Hints & Tips
Why does wallpaper blister?
Most papers are duplex (bonded to a paper backing). Try measuring the width of dry wallpaper, paste it and measure the width 5 minutes later. You will probably find it has increased in size by a quarter inch or so as it has absorbed the paste. papers have different soaking times from 2 minutes to 15 minutes. Always consult the instructions on the label. If it is not soaked correctly , it will expand on the wall rather than the pasteboard causing the dreaded blisters. 9 times out of 10 this is the cause of blisters. Paste the wall papers do not have this problem as they are not duplex.
Alkyd v water based paints for woodwork?
Until recently oil based was the paint of choice for woodwork. Unfortunately it isn’t too good for the environment. A few years ago new European legislation made the manufacturers reduce the amount of voc,s in their products. The downside was by reducing the solvent they had to increase the material which makes white paint yellow off, so now it yellows even faster. Water based acrylic gloss does not yellow off but does not have the finish quality of oil. Recently the hybrids entered the market (such as johnstones aqua gloss). This is water based with acrylic and alkyd resins. An excellent finish can be achieved, fast drying and little smell. Downside is it will still yellow slightly over time (although nowhere near as bad as oil based) and it is difficult to put on well due to poor levelling and very short open time. This can be overcome using a top quality synthetic brush and an additive called floetrol.
Synthetic or natural brush?
As a general rule, synthetic for water based and natural hair for oil.
Can i paint over varnish?
Yes, but the correct primer needs to be applied to the varnish first. The only primer for this purpose that i would recommend would be bin primer by Zinsser(us company). It is spirit based so dries in minutes. It is fairly expensive due to its composition. It is made from the secretion of the lac beetle(mainly in india). Due to flooding over past few years its numbers are greatly diminished driving up the cost.
Touch ups
Walls and ceiling touch ups need to be done using the same method they were originally painted. If they were rolled, you could use a mini roller. If you tried to touch up rolled walls using a brush it would stand out quite badly.
Water marks
If you have had water damage it will leave water stains. Emulsion will not seal them in no matter how many coats you give them. Rather than spending money on stain blocks just use some oil based paint you may have. Let it dry thoroughly before emulsioning over.
Pasting wallpaper. Roller or brush?
Forget the old giant paste brush (or flappers as we called them), use a 9 inch medium pile roller. Faster and easier. Personally i use neither, as i use a pasting machine but unless you do a lot of hanging it maybe a bit overkill.
Emulsion. Matt or sheen?
As a general rule ceilings should always be matt. Walls however are personal taste. In most other countries a soft sheen is the finish of choice as it looks better for a lot longer and is wipeable. In uk matt seems to be the chosen finish especially on flat walls although i personally don’t think it stands well and needs doing more often. I also think sheen looks far better on textured walls such as a blown vinyl. Will leave that one for you to fight over.
Can i paint pebbledash?
Yes but is a horrible and time consuming job using a brush. Novodec can spray your pebble dashed house in one day. Contact for details. Transform your house for less than you would think.
Trade paints v diy paints
Each manufacturer has a trade range which is sold through trade outlets (as a rule) for the professional. These products are superior in quality but are often more difficult to use. Diy paints are formulated for easy use by home owners.
Best papering shears
In my opinion do not look past ” beeline professionals”. I have only bought 2 pair of shears in the past 20 years and they are as sharp now as when i first bought them. I have hung thousands of rolls of wallpaper so they have seen heavy use.